Nearly 15 years ago, I found myself sitting in a dimly lit room with no windows, a small table, and three chairs. A picture of Osama bin Laden and the top 25 FBI most wanted list stared back at me from the wall. Two FBI agents were yelling at me, threatening that I would spend the next five years in prison for lying to them. As I sat there, completely off guard and bewildered, I wondered how my life had led to this moment. I had come down voluntarily, never have I, or had I, committed any kind of crime, but now I was engulfed in fear and anxiety beyond words. This was the moment when everything changed for me—the moment when my perception of my life and the world around me was altered forever. Over the next several years I would need to find the strength in the darkest of moments to get through what I will share with you below.

Finding the Strength Within

I’ve faced incredible hardships, battled despair, and endured moments when life felt unbearable. But here I am—still standing, stronger, and more determined than ever. The journey from the depths of hopelessness to a renewed sense of purpose was far from easy. I had to confront my fears, face the uphill battle of adversity, and find a way back to where I wanted to be. Along the way, I rediscovered my true passions and reevaluated the core values that define who I am. In my darkest moments, I even contemplated the unthinkable, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of it all. Yet, through it all, I persevered.

That fateful day at the FBI headquarters in Portland, Oregon, I faced threats and intimidation that convinced me I was headed to prison for reasons I didn’t fully understand. This experience plunged my life into a whirlwind of fear, betrayal, anger, hurt, and uncertainty. Everything I once believed about myself, and others was shattered. Imagine the most hostile interrogation you've seen on TV, then amplify it by 100—it still wouldn't come close. It was the most scared, intimidated, and helpless I have ever felt.

You might assume that to receive such treatment from the highest level of law enforcement, I must have been involved in major criminal activity—drugs, weapons, maybe running a massive criminal enterprise. But the truth is far less dramatic. I was part of a business partnership where one of my partners inflated his income on a loan transaction for a single rental property. After the real estate crash in 2009, this false statement was discovered and handed over to the FBI for investigation. Despite the loan not being in my name and the income figure being something I could never have provided, it didn't matter. As business partners, we were all charged with a crime.

For two years, this inflated income statement overshadowed my life, dragging me into darker places than I ever imagined. When my business partners were questioned and indicted, they quickly realized they could save themselves by shifting the blame. With my financial background, I became an easy target.

During those years, I lost everything—my businesses, my closest friends, my sense of self, and almost my family and my freedom. The fear of an uncertain future was overwhelming, but nothing compared to the pain of watching people I cared about distance themselves as soon as the FBI and criminal charges entered the picture. It was a time of profound isolation. The stress was suffocating, the fear unrelenting, and a deep sense of hopelessness took hold of me, leaving me to wonder if I would ever find a way out of this nightmare.

As we prepared for trial, I found myself on the brink of a decision that would change my life forever. My court-appointed attorney called me to his office one day, and I could see the defeat in his eyes. He shared a story about a case eerily similar to mine—one where he was certain the defendant was innocent, yet they were found guilty. The chilling parallel struck fear into my heart. The thought of facing prison for a crime I didn’t commit was terrifying, but the reality of a potential conviction forced me to reconsider everything. The possibility of losing even more—my freedom—became a weight too heavy to bear. My attorney initiated plea discussions, and the once-clear path to fight for my innocence grew murky and fraught with dread.

For weeks, I wrestled with the impossible decision before me. Every moment was consumed by the agonizing thought of what was at stake—my role as the sole provider for my family, the future of my two young children, and the life we had built. The plea deal was a lifeline, but it came at the cost of admitting to something I did not do and carrying the burden of a felony record. In the end, I made the heart-wrenching decision to accept the plea, securing my freedom but at a tremendous personal cost. It remains the most difficult decision I have ever made, and its repercussions continue to ripple through my life, affecting me and opportunities for me to this very day.

This decision, while necessary, changed my life forever. Prior to this entire ordeal, I went from a successful, driven man to someone grappling with self-doubt, depression, and a lack of purpose. My belief system was turned upside down and I was crippled and felt like I couldn’t move forward in life and begin to rebuild. But deep within me, a spark of resilience endured. I believe that each of us is blessed with an inner strength, waiting to be discovered and harnessed. I didn’t want my story to end in despair; I knew I had to get back on my feet, find what it was that made me successful to begin with and find something deep inside me that I would have to dig out to get back where I needed to be in business, life and my relationships. My goal is to inspire hope and the ability to help others “Bounce Back!!”

I've made it my mission to empower individuals and professionals who are seeking more—those who are driven to reach their goals, transform their approach, and achieve greatness. Whether you're navigating personal challenges, striving to advance in your career, or facing obstacles in your professional life, I’m here to guide you forward. My work extends beyond one-on-one coaching to include speaking engagements and group workshops, where I help teams and organizations move forward with a unified vision and a commitment to excellence.

Through my own experiences, I've developed a powerful toolkit designed to overcome adversity, reclaim inner strength, and unlock the strongest version of yourself. Together, we’ll explore strategies for overcoming challenges, building resilience, and fostering a lasting, empowered mindset. I’m committed to helping you not only navigate the struggles you face but also push beyond them to accomplish extraordinary things. My insights and unique perspective are grounded in my own journey, offering practical guidance to help you move forward and achieve the greatness you’re capable of.

It's time to discover your true strength. Let's embark on this journey of transformation together. No matter how big or small your circumstances may seem, there’s always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

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